Skool daze

So, pictures came in yesterday.

school pictures.  You know–the ones that cause the most anxiety because they are COMPLETELY out of your hands.  ANd all you know is that if you don’t get the envelope back when they come home from school is that a picture was taken, and you’ll just have to wait to find out if it’s any good.

Now, i’ve been blessed with a pretty photogenic child.  Not photgenic enough to get picked up for modeling or anything, but he’s a looker and knows how to ham it up.  Example:

a charmer at 4 months

The first year (2010)we sent him off to school for school pics, i was nervous as hell, because, well, he’d never done it before.  And there were only so many social stories you could give.  That year we got this:

You'd buy insurance from this kid, right?

his teacher told us that he was fidgety and fussy up to the point he sat down, and then the angels spoke and he turned on the charm.

This year, we did a little prep, but he seemed ready.  I didn’t fuss at him much.  WE practiced with his ABA therapist and he sat still and said “Cheese!”  we deemed him ready.

ANd for the most part he was.  the note on the envelope was that he moved around a lot–i guess to explain the off center stare:

all its missing is some weird profile in the corner...

Still–eat your heart out Shaun Cassidy.

And yes, we put him in that shirt on purpose.  With that hair?  how could we not?

This was part of an awesome linky over here at Autism Army Mom’s site.  And i don’t care what she says, Audrey looks adorable!

Categories: Uncategorized | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Skool daze

  1. *singing* LOVE IT! Better than Shaun Cassidy!

  2. You’ve done pretty dang well in the school pic dept! That current one is high-larious. That could be from 1976…love the shag ‘do! He is a cutie pie!

  3. I love the most recent picture. That is what my son would call a happy smile.

  4. Dani G

    What a gorgeous kid! That is one awesome haircut, too 😉
    Thanks for linking up with us!!

  5. that is a SWEET shirt!!

  6. OMG Spicoli!!! Love the retro, surfer look. He’s adorable!

  7. Adorable! Love the Hawaiian shirt 🙂

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